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Richard Quigley

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Posts posted by Richard Quigley

  1. There ain't no such thing as a free lunch (TANSTAAFL) (Heinreich, The Moon is a Harsh Mistress, 1966)  Or a "free" ride.

    Some one,  (Likely you, if you are gainfully employed and not a government servant) is paying for your "free" ride.

    • Thanks 1
  2. 2 hours ago, David Zhong said:

    As to the matter of bookmarks, no evidence of bookmark deletion was discovered on the server :)

    I would have been a little concerned if the bookmark problem had resided there.  

  3. 6 hours ago, Joshua Micallef said:

    That is not Related to the VATPAC TeamSpeak server outage :)

    @Steven Brown can you follow up on this for Saturday?

    And your proof for this assertion is....?

    I suspect you MAY be correct but I'm not about to accept your bald assertion that it and the server outage are unrelated.

    It may be that the server outage and the bookmark deletion are two different manifestations of a teamspeak problem that may, or may not, be traceable to VATPAC's teamspaeak server.

    Just to be pedantic.:D

    VATCAN had a server outage problem as well I note.

  4. In the AIRAC 1812 test release YBAS regions are in:



    According to the config_region.ini file dated 6/10/2018 and the config.ini file dated 8/10/2018.




  5. No. It's not.

    As far as I can see, on an admittedly quick reading, the vMATs, while being quite verbose on matters pertaining to clearances of all sorts, is silent on the mode of delivery of those clearances.

    However,  given VATSIM's devotion to the protection of text transmission, and considering that the Code of Conduct  Section B5 provides for the use of text by air traffic controllers and places no restrictions on the use of text,  any divisional policy restricting the use of text would be contrary to these provisions and as such in breach of VATSIM regulations.


  6. 43 minutes ago, Liesel Downes said:

    Keep in mind not even the real MATS has anything about PDC.

    The AsA MATs provides a concise definition of a PDC.

    "Pre-departure Clearance (PDC) A means of delivering an unsolicited, text-based airways clearance to
    eligible aircraft via an ATC data link."

  7. I knew to which airspace you were referring.  :P

    As far as I am aware or can discover in  cursory search there are no policies in place, nor should there be, that prohibit its use in Australian airspace at anytime by suitable qualified controllers.  Since the issuance of standard departure clearances is one of the basic competencies of an S2 that should mean all controllers should be competent to issue both voice and text clearances.

    Its use is provided for in the alias files.

    I would encourage the use of PDC clearances.

    1.  Frees up radio time.
    2.  Provides the pilot and controller with a hard copy of the clearance.
    3.  Clearance can be issued as soon as filed saving time chasing up pilots who are doing other things. 
    4.  Very useful for pilots for whom English is a second language, those who are not familiar with an Australian accent, and those who  are watching Netflix while the clearance is being read back.
    5. Reduces the number of "I didn't catch the squawk code. Can you repeat that?"
    6.  It is an efficient method of delivering information in the standard form.

    You have a Town Hall coming up.  I'd suggest that might be an excellent opportunity to canvas your proposals among both controllers and pilots.

  8. 3 hours ago, Sean Harrison said:

    So we going to re-release FSInn? ;)

    Not an entirely bad idea.  It was an excellent program.  It really was too bad when the developers walked away from it.


     This NOTAM is detailed in accordance with section 4.1 of the VATPAC Controller Positions and Ratings Policy. This is for the purpose of Real Ops Sydney.  
















     The above positions will be reserved for use between 0000Z and 0800z Sunday 07/10/18.

     4. CONTACT

    Trent Hopkinson - Deputy Director Events 

    E: t.hopkinson(at)vatpac.org

    Tristan Duncombe - Event Coordinator

    E: t.duncombe(at)vatpac.org




    Under section 4.1, controllers must not control these positions during the times indicated without prior approval of the listed contacts.




    This NOTAM Self Cancels at 0800z 07 OCTOBER 2018.


  10. 2 minutes ago, Daniel Martin said:

    No one is forcing you to should we bring it back 

    Did not say they were.   The introduction of that program was a complete disaster for VATPAC.  If it is returned to general use you, or those of you that remain, will be rehashing these same problems within 6 months.

    • Like 1
  11. 23 hours ago, Robert Fluke said:

    No Idea I only noticed it today, I remember it being 1500, must have been only a recent change?

    Nope!  Nothing has been changed in the Sydney area in the past 5 AIRAC's but SID/STAR numbers.

    If it came out in an AIS/AIC it got by me and every one else.

    Fixed for AIRAC 1812!

  12. 3 hours ago, Tristan Duncombe said:

    Hey Guys,

    After over 1/4 of the controllers from Real Ops not being able to attend, I really need to find new controllers. Some people have put their hand up for all day shifts and I'm grateful to those people, however, the amount of controllers pulling out is ridiculous. I come to staff because I believe that all staff are semi-reliable and we really need people who I can rely on. We need more controllers can anyone make any time on Sunday the 7th?



    That's disgraceful.  No idea of the concept of "commitment" or "responsibility".

    Tristan shift me around as required if you need to accommodate some one.

    • Haha 1
  13. Not sure about the CTAF function Dan.   Lets ALL ask on the VATSIM forum and see what the response is. :D

    Going back and looking again at Zack's blog piece I noticed this: " It means the ability to implement a realistic ‘voice UNICOM’. It means the possibility of setting up company frequencies for virtual airlines and VSOA’s. It means hearing pilots (and ATC) only if they are in range, "

    That indicates, I think, that the CTAF function should be possible.

    • Thanks 1
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