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Richard Quigley

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Posts posted by Richard Quigley

  1. 23 hours ago, Greg Barber said:

    Does that work in both ES and VRC?  Not sure on the compatibility these days.

    Most should work in VRC Greg.  The differences would be in the built in functions of each.  My file is a combination of several others and several of the commands use ES built in functions that may not work in VRC.

    However, I don't think trying them out will break anything.

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  2. 22 hours ago, Bradon Kendall said:

    @Richard Quigley Does that work in both ES and VRC?  Not sure on the compatibility these days.

    As the great sage said: "Suck it and see!"

    Brandon I have no idea.  Most of them should work in VRC.  You would have to troll the documentation to see which app has which built in functions but I don't think you can break anything by just trying them out.  Sorry to be uncertain on this but it was back in the Triassic when I was converting ASRC(?) client sector file to VRC and I can't remember the last time I used VRC.  Mid Cretaceous maybe.  I was an early ES adopter.

    If all else fails.....http://www1.metacraft.com/VRC/documentation.shtml

  3. Is voice not the preferred method of communication on VATSIM?

    Here is one.  "Tis a small thing.  But mine own.

    There's really too much in it.  If you have to use it you have to have is displayed (or printed out) for reference.

    My favourite is ".v?" 




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  4. Not being a TAATS user I could not be sure of how it treated this function, if at all.  Controller - controller coordination is part of controlling I would think.  As is familiarity with the tools available. 

    I'm pretty familiar with ES its commands and the ES controller  to controller comms facility (except when my antique memory fails me), they were routinely used in Toronto and Monckton. 

    As it appears that the ES facility is not widely used here I am curious to know why.   It's would be my preferred comms method. 

    I can see how Teamspeak came into use as it was/is so easy to use and can include community chit chat as well as controller-controller comms.  So Discord is a more modern(?) form.  I still don't like it.😜




  5. 1 hour ago, Callum Strawbridge said:

    I use them all the time! :D I just never hear anyone talking back to me haha :P

    Ah, the loneliness of the long distance leader!

     Is the use of this feature taught?  Or is it available with ES in TAAATS configuration?

    Does  the feature still work with AFV?

    Warch this  space!



  6. Dan & crew,

    Here's a video of an event my VA, DC3 Airways does.  It's D-Day, not the airlift. I can't find the stuff from the airlift, but they do that too.  The "live aircraft" fly into one field and the AI to the others.  Get crowded over Berlin.

    The fellow who made this said: "Here is a video I camptured earlier today using the FR Ai formation and using the landing lights function to initiate the paratroop jump.

    Apologies for the coughs etc. on the recording but I have a heavy cold! :oops: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:"

    • Like 1
  7. 14 hours ago, Sean Harrison said:

    we only have to pay one wage...........

    I didn't know that I'd be paid!

    Thanks for your explanation.  Makes sense to me now.

    Further reading indicates that I have been unjust towards our politicians.  The base developments appear to have been in response to the RAAF's perceived needs at the time of development.

  8. 1 hour ago, Sean Harrison said:

    We even have force multipliers that work in our favour when considering defence in depth.

    Explain please?

    1 hour ago, Sean Harrison said:

    Whilst we do have Tindal and Scherger

    According to Wikipedia (deficiencies acknowledged) Scherger is an "advanced base" not occupied beyond grounds maintenance staff.

  9. Military airport positioning has very little to do with defense of the country.

    Please forgive my cynicism but I suspect the placement of these bases was likely for political reasons.

    Every state got a bit.  Some more than others.  Like submarines.

    I shall crawl back under my rock now.



    Oddly enough Wikipedia gives one quite a bit of info although it may be dated.  Nevertheless the various articles on each base give you more history than the RAAF sites.

    At least that's what I've been able to  find during the last little while under my rock.

    I may have maligned the politicians (but I'm not going to admit it!).


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  10. Just to keep the narrative bubbling along.

    " Microsoft and their nearly boundless accumulation of resources are absolutely going for it, and not in the same way that the crew did with just shrinking America down to its most recognizable landscapes, but here, the plan is to get a real 1-to-1 duplicate of our planet, down to the centimeter level."

    "...the game will determine based on your internet speed how much of the world’s detail to show you at any given time, making inconsistent download speeds across the world much less of an issue in theory, which is fairly revolutionary in and of itself. But they aren’t stopping there. According to what Microsoft has already revealed, they are also working on an offline version that aims to meet gamer’s standards with a reasonable amount of detail and accuracy."

    RTWT @ linky thingy above.

  11. With all this trumpeting from Microsoft one can be sure that both Lockheed Martin and Laminar research are not standing around slack-jawed and weak-kneed.

    It will be interesting to watch their reactions.

    Standby for X-plane 12 and P3Dv5?

    Any way the ball bounces we'll have to pay to play! 

  12. 12 minutes ago, Nick Falcione said:

     We in Australia have one of the highest costs of energy expenses in the world ..https://www.afr.com/politics/australian-households-pay-highest-power-prices-in-world-20170804-gxp58a ...and this is the "lucky country" ..we have one of the richest oil & gas reserves in the world & we're paying through the nose. If you were to look at how much we're getting ripped off it would amount to thousands of dollars & here we are complaining if Microsoft FS is going to "rip us off" for $100 ..$200....it's just a piss in the ocean compared to what we're getting ripped off in general.

    (My Bolds)

    You can choose whether or not to buy a chocolate bar.   But the "government" that you elected at all levels will fine you or jail you for non compliance with the regulations they impose.

    I'm with you Nick!  Aux barricades mes amis!  Aux barricades!

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