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Joshua M - 1342084

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Posts posted by Joshua M - 1342084

  1. Hey, Richard.


    I had a quick look, and I don't think there are any official documents outlining the Specific Locations for all the ADS-B Recievers in Australia.


    However, when looking at the image below, it appears that because of the radar coverage being so low, it is likely the receivers are in these locations.



    The best option, whether is has been done or not, would be to put a Euroscope Reciever in roughly the centre of each of these zones, and potentially edit the range of the receivers based on direction if possible.


    I'll keep looking, but most likely there is nothing available (Not to say there may be unofficial documents, but what help will they have)

  2. Sorry to open up the discussion to other sectors, but this is the reason for my suggesting OXLEY goes to SNO.




    Technically, I cannot provide VOZ332 a service for that 75NM area where it is in TBD airspace, since I am not/do not want to extend all the way to YPAD (TBD).

    I like the idea Zach, however, with your proposal. aircraft travelling from YPAD to YSSY etc. have to contact 3 Center Controllers instead of 2


    That shouldn't be an issue because sectors around the south east should take priority of YMML and YSSY and their arrivals.


    True, I take back my previous comment  :-X

  3. Sorry to open up the discussion to other sectors, but this is the reason for my suggesting OXLEY goes to SNO.




    Technically, I cannot provide VOZ332 a service for that 75NM area where it is in TBD airspace, since I am not/do not want to extend all the way to YPAD (TBD).

    I like the idea Zach, however, with your proposal. aircraft travelling from YPAD to YSSY etc. have to contact 3 Center Controllers instead of 2

  4. Time for my VC List to be Released  ;D ;D Brace Yourself...


    vACC's (Assume C1 Rated unless specified  :-X)

    • Indonesia vACC
    • United Arab Emirates vACC (TWR)
    • Bahrain vACC
    • Southern Africa vACC (Capetown/Johanasburg)
    • Italy vACC (Malta)
    • Belux vACC 'Luxemburg' - (APP)
    • VATSIM UK VG5 (ALL TWRS) 'Scotland CTR/London South Control'
    • Hong Kong vACC



    • Gander Oceanic Endorsement (Shanwick Extended)
    • GULF_FSS Endorsement
    • Pacific Oceanic Endorsement


    Probably forgot something here, ill check when i get home tonight  ;)

  5. Could be done Dan. 

    The technical problem, ie access to sector files is fairly easily solved. 

    The political problem ie getting visiting controller permissions might be of a knottier nature.

    Have you tried sending an email to the FIR in which the flight is to take place requesting ATC coverage?  I know that the times at which we fly will make it difficult for some locations but there might be the odd controller around at stupid o'clock.

    Was that a reference to me Quigs?  ;D ;D


    Just confirming that these Wednesday flights are not purely VFR. They do involve an element if IFR and as such if any ATC person would like to do a "quickie" i.e. they have time for a short control but not for hours on end, then they are most welcome to have a look at the departure and destination. i.e. tonight we had six experienced pilots landing close together at Keflavik, Iceland which would have provided a challenging 20 minutes or so. Anyway just a thought. Cheers Dan

    Could look at controlling places you fly provided I have VC there (Im the GOD with VC Status :-X)

  6. OMG a girl logged on.....VatSpy says her name is Tracy!


    Oh will they be disappointed when they go for the phone number  ;D


    Just refer them to the VATPAC FAQs


    ;D ;D ;D

    Why did Tracy get upset when I tried to get her phone number?

    Because she's a man.  He's also happily married with kids.

  7. I feel a Spilled Milk Run idea coming on... although I feel it might be more than just milk that gets spilled after that one.


    Milk Run Monday - Text day for Richard:-X :-X :-X

  8. When do you ever say Snowy Centre? haha. :cool:


    It's Melbourne Centre or Melbourne Centre...I know which one I prefer!


    Also my reasoning for breaking up the current ASP sector is, it's too big. You can barely cover that sector with 400NM vis points, let alone extend anywhere.


    @Tracy, next i'll be counting the sheep by their wool strands, and dividing by 300,000. :-X




    Was talking more about the Logon Identifier over the Callsign  ;D

  9. Hmm....this old chestnut again.

    There's a difference between being VATPAC staff and Teamspeak staff and I've long campaigned for this to be clearly defined in Teamspeak badges but from what I've been led to believe over the years, it's easier said than done.

    There has never been any significant delay giving new members permissions on Teamspeak (which appears to be your main concern), therefore I reject the premise that changes are required.


    Thanks Tracy.


    My main consirn (Sorry if i did not make it clear  :() Is more to do with Some staff members not having the staff badge and others having the badge (I.e. Why Doesn't Every Staff Member have the 'Staff' Badge)


    Im looking for Clarity on that situation, the part about Permissions being given to new members is something I have seen only a few times, and you are correct in saying it is resolved rather quickly.

  10. Hey Guys.


    With the mentor and Instructor badges, we can only Move members around.


    My question comes on as when there is no one online with the staff badge and a new user joins, or something happens on the Teamspeak. Staff members without the 'Staff' Badge are unable to moderate the server.


    Thank you, both for your quick responses.

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