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Tracy S - 848725

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My name is Tracy Shiffman.

I am 47 years old. Married, with 2 grown up boys.

I've had an incurable addiction to VATPAC since 2002, and have just been appointed as the acting Division Director at VATPAC.


Thanks mostly to the internet, you would all be aware by now of the events that transpired at the VATPAC Board level last night that led to my sudden appointment.

I was not appointed to give an opinion on the reasons for the Board Members' resignations, but I want to say this much.....

There is a life lesson to be learned from what has transpired. It is rare in today's world to find people who will actually stand behind their principles. If more people in the real world had the testicular fortitude to do what Greg, Pete, Kurt, and Zach have done, the world would be an infinitely better place. You are to be respected for sticking to your principles.


Now. Let's get a couple of things straight.

This has been a group resignation, not a group walkout. Your division continues it's day to day business exactly as it did last week and exactly as it will next week and beyond.

None of the outgoing Board members have turned off the lights, shut up shop, locked the front door and run off with the keys.


To the Senior Staff team. Once some back end stuff is sorted, we'll organize a get-together on Teamspeak for what I sincerely hope will be an open and honest conversation about maintaining the lofty standards set by the departing Board members. Keep your eyes on the senior staff forum for more about that.


And finally, to all the departing Board members.

I know I can speak with 100% confidence on behalf of the VATPAC family when I tell you how grateful we are for your work both collectively as a Board, and as heads of your respective departments. Your passion for VATPAC has benefited our little community in so many ways, both publicly, and behind the scenes. I know most of you personally and have a better idea than many just how much heart and soul you have devoted to VATPAC over the years.

Thanks guys, enjoy your new found extra flying / controlling time. Some of you could frankly use the practice :P


Now, the rest of you, get back to flying / controlling. Nothing more to see here.

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