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Arjun Murthy

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Posts posted by Arjun Murthy

  1. To what was said before by Mr. Inselin Please do join, the more the merrier.


    To what was said before by Mr. Kittelty, the problem with domain name, i do not want to pay for anything. Vatsim is a hobby and dont want to spend too much money on it .


    To what was said by the person before this reply (sorry for name), The only way to fly Aerobatics legally is basically OCTA.

    I shouldn't be revealing much of this but my first idea was an Airshow. All the people (atleast when 15 join) we all get together and start an airshow. This will be held at richmond and i was planning on going on as RI_TWr and having some commentator. We could perhaps get audience for this airshow. then i will think of some competitions (ofcourse with the help of my Legends ) and will make many different scenarios.


    I choose richmond because i have seen an airshow there and i fly there in real life so i know the Tower. and it has its own area.


    I am happy to see there was somebody doing aerobatics at KSEA as this promotes this website OUTSIDE Australia as i wanted it. I dont want this to be focused within australia.


    I chose aerobatics as it is something different and hope this is intersting by many people all around the world

  2. Hello Everybody,


    I am just here to notify you all of a great new virtual flying club that has been released. This is called "Vatobatics" or "Legend of the Skies".


    This Virtual Flying Club is an aerobatic flying club. There are still a few items on the website that are not complete. This is due to lack of ideas but everything should be complete VERY soon.


    In this Virtual Flying Club, you can do aerobatics on Theoretically any aircraft. This ranges from 'full on aerobatics' on an Extra 300S to steep turns and steep climbs and descents on a Boeing 744. Even loops on helicopters.


    Lots of people might be thinking that this is very UNREALISTIC. I am saying it is not. for the Big Aircraft, it is just what they do to an airshow. you can do loops on a helicopter as explained by one of the videos on the website and loops on an extra 300 is pretty normal.


    I just put this post up to invite people to join this virtual flying club. Be aware that this is not a Virtual Airline. Your hours still get logged.


    This is also a world wide flying club and is not just fixated in Australia


    Feel Free to come along and join us today at



    Hope to see all of you in there. soon

  3. Hello all that read this, hopefully this is the right area to post this topic


    I am a controller in Australia and i have seen how much traffic there is. It is very rare to get the normal amount of traffic. I am sometimes overwhelmed to get five aircraft. there are some instances where this does happen. I managed to have a quick peek at the sector file for UK and they had so much traffic. Literally almost the same amount as real life. Thus, i was wondering if we can coordinate an event with VATSIM and have a full ATC event throughout the east coast of australia just to interest all the VATSIMers out in the rest of the world. just to get more traffic.


    ML/SY_TWR/_GND and _DEL if really necessary also have MN_TWR and GND and even DEL if enough controllers show up

    ML/SY_APP and maybe even BN_APP

    ML-BIK/SNO_CTR and ML_CAN CTR if enough controllers show interest

    BN-ARL_CTR can also turn up if bribane might be put on and also BN-DOS_CTR



    we can have Ml_FSS and BN_FSS


    I know there are enough controllers in Australia to fill up these positions. and if all Australia people participate included with overseas people, it would be a great promotion to VATPAC.

    (if this idea does get approved by management, we will need to make a little document explaining all the basics of Australian Airspace);)


    hope it gets approved.

    thank you

  4. a motor in a glider defeats the whole fun in it. I heard a few instructors talking about other people that had motor gliders. their engine normally had as many hours as the actual aircraft itself.


    it is a brick. and yes i can kind of thinkn of the glide ratio lol

  5. this is regarded as a sailplane. soaring. eventhough i didn't do any soaring but its still called soaring. soaring is when you find ways of lift such as thermals, hill soaring and wave soaring. i couldn't find much of those but its called soaring but gliding because i couldn't soar if you get what i mean.



  6. Hello All,


    I just put up this thread to show everyone a DIFFERENT perspective of flying. Everybody talks about powered aircraft with theiur GFPT, PPl, TWIN rating, Instructors rating, and so on.


    Well, i do gliding. when i say gliding, most people think of hang gliders, but this isn't. ITs basically an aeroplane with no engines and a massive wing. I went solo in april. Did 3 Solo Circuits on the day where on the last one, it started to rain (no propellers to wash away water of canopy to see) but it wasn't raining heavy enough for me not to see.


    Just a little comparison when you compare a glider with Cessna 150-180. our cruise speed is around your stall speed and our stall speed is what you are at halfway down the runway. I normally fly a Blanik L-13 (love it)

    STall Speed: 32 KNots

    STall Speed with flaps: 28 knots

    Crusie speed: 42-45 knots

    landing speed. (from beginning of circuit called safe speed near the ground) calculated by 1.5 times stall speed and half wind speed. normally around 50-55 knots

    Vne: 132 Knots


    Once about 2-3 weeks ago, did a landing on a Solo Flight. calculated my safe speed to be about 55 ish Knots due to the heavy wind. took off, 2000' Release. released, saw some rain, closer and closer. but i lost height by the time it got her. started downwind did my radio call "Traffic Bathurst Glider Golf Victor Delta joining Left downwind Runway 35 Grass Left Bathurst" did my FUST check before i did the radio call (as its supposed to be) and the rain starts. Increase my speed to around 60 ish knots or even faster than that at times due to drag caused by rain drops on the wings. i was basically facing away from the runway on downwind because of the cross wind. turned base. lots of tail wind, got pushed pretty fast, finals. landed between a fence and the gable markers on the main runway. came in with a lot of crab angle. came in to about flare height. adjusting the dive brakes(like 4 big pieces of brick on the wings) flared a bit too early put in rudder and i started drifting in towards the main runway. my worries were the wing hitting the gable markers. then i aimed my nose back towards the wind, by now due to flare, i was probably around say 50-48 knots. then just about 5 feet off the ground almost full crabbing back in line with the rwy, touched down fixed up the nose so it points towards the runway (in gliders you also need to worry about the keeping the wing up and balancing it because there is only one wheel) then i came to a stop in about 20-30 metres from where i touched down. quickly tuned into Bathurst AWIS: it was about an 18 knot cross wind :eek: when i touch down at around 45-50 knots and there is an 18 knot wind from one side, you can kinda imagine what it would be like. and also the canopy half blurred out due to rain.



    But all comes to an end got crosswind take off and landing signed off on my logobook ;) and aiming towards other certificates



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