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Thomas C - 981661

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Posts posted by Thomas C - 981661

  1. Hey,


    Just checking to see whether anyone knows if REX Virtual is still active?

    I have sent a few emails and they keep bouncing back, and I now notice that you can't find a working email on their webpage?


    What has happened to our regional thoroughbred???:eek::rolleyes:

  2. Ok, so I may need to clear something up here. When I firsted posted this thread "Regional Tower Open Dates & Times", I WASN'T in any terms trying to do the following:


    1. Infringe (in a certain sense) on an online event (such as Darwin the other night, or Wild Weather Wednesday).:eek:


    2. Create an online event:eek:


    3. Pushing people / pilots away from capital airports:eek:


    4. Pushing people / pilots away from their usual routes:eek:


    5. Not providing ATC coverage to those cities involved with an online event:eek:


    I WAS although:


    1. Displaying a certain date and time that I (myself) will be online at a certain location.


    2. Opening up aerodromes besides capital cities, and also opening up aerodromes with unusual procedures such as a procedural TWR.


    3. Giving those who wish to deviate from the normal capital flight paths some TWR coverage at differing locations.


    As mentioned above I WASN'T aware of these online events at the time I posted this thread. I now am!


    I posted that I would open Woomera on the 04th (yesterday) from lunch time till late basically. When I found out there was an online event in the Tassie area during the evening I only had the aerodrome open during the day, where I did have several aircraft (each one thanking me for opening a regional TWR!:eek:). During the actual event I opened YMMB, and then I went to YMML when ML TWR went offline - thus supporting the online event!


    Here is a slight example:

    *Woomera was open around 11am onwards till 3/4pm yesterday. By 1pm I had had around 4 aircraft!

    *Sydney was open from 6am this morning till roughly 1pm. By 1pm I had had 2 aircraft!


    This thread was NOT created to call all aircraft away from an event. It WAS created to show pilots the times and dates (which will NOT impact in anyway on an online event) when I will be opening any of the TWR's listed.


    It can be seen through this whole thread that people have the impression that I am going to be opening one of the listed TWR's during an online event. Again, this is NOT the case!!!


    Everyone needs to understand that "on-line" events weren't even in my mind when I created this thread. Providing diversity, for those who wish to utilise this diversity, was in my mind though.


    I can understand people's points when comments are made about ATC servicing where the majority of the traffic is, IF I was the only TWR controller on the whole of the VATPAC network.


    So too sum everything up:


    1. This thread wasn't made to debate the issues of taking traffic away from an online event

    2. This thread wasn't made to create an online event

    3. It was created to just "simply" display times and dates (most likely the day before, and NOT during online events) when I will be opening a TWR


    I respect everyones comments in this thread but believe it has been turned into a thread which is advising me not to open a TWR not in conjunct with an online event. And once again, that is not what I am trying to achieve!!!!!!



  3. Hi Rob,


    I thank Luke for making me aware of these two events and I certainly didn't mean to brush it off if it looked that way. I honestly wasn't aware of these events before hand. I had posted the times I would be opening Woomera before I was aware of these events. I will in future though be manning a TWR which is associated in some way with an on-line event. As there isn't an event on every night nor during the day, I just thought I would open up several other TWR's besides YSSY, YMML etc, in other time slots besides the online events.


    I have already had a few pilots in and out of Woomera this afternoon and they have thanked me for providing this service outside of a capital city.


    I will now only post times and dates of opening a regional TWR when it doesn't coincide with an online event.



  4. Hi Luke,


    Thanks for your post. Don't get me wrong I will still be supporting those other events 100%! I just thought I would give pilots an opportunity to fly at these other aerodromes more often with a TWR controller present. Whether I get 20aircraft or whether I get no aircraft at any of these aerodromes, at least the facility will be open for those who wish to utilise it.



  5. Hi Trent,


    Thanks for letting me know about the calendar. I'm not sure whether you were notifying me of the event tonight at Darwin or not, but there seems to be enough ATC there at present, and i'm more than happy to open regional aerodromes as I come from a very regional area and know myself that I love flying in regional areas in real life.


    Also opening up the opportunity for pilots to land on a dirt runway could be fun haha:D



  6. Hey All!


    As suggested by Rob Hooley in an above post about letting people know when an ATC position will be online, I thought I would just add that I have created a new thread titled "Regional Tower Open Dates & Times". I will post here each day when ever I am planning on opening anyone of the aerodromes listed within the thread.


    Cheers Everyone :-)

  7. Hello Everyone!


    I have decided to post here some times and dates of when I will be opening the following towers:

    - Woomera YPWR (SA)

    - Edinburgh YPED (SA)

    - Learmonth YPLM (WA)

    - Curtin YCIN (WA)

    - Alice Springs YBAS (NT)

    - Tindal YPTN (NT)

    - Nowra YSNW (NSW)

    - Williamtown YWLM (NSW)

    - Coffs Harbour YSCH (NSW)

    - Tamworth YSTW (NSW)

    - East Sale YMES (VIC)

    - Townsville YBTL (QLD)


    As you would have already figured out, most of the above towers are located in semi-regional areas or at least non-major airports. I will hopefully post the times I will open the Tower a day before.


    Hopefully this will encourage pilots to explore our wonderful Nation from top to bottom and give them a chance to fly into unfamiliar airports / aerodromes.


    As this is a late post during today, I will open Woomera both tonight and tomorrow.


    DATE: 03/03/2009

    AERODROME: Woomera


    TIMES: 1900 -> late (7pm to late).


    DATE: 04/03/2009

    AERODROME: Woomera


    TIMES: 1300 -> 1800 (1pm to 6pm) & 1900-> late (7pm to late).


    I hope to see some people there!


    Cheers :-)

  8. Ok.. So it looks as if the whole procedural airspace thingy is getting up ppl a fair bit aswell. So, from tonight, tomorrow night, and maybe MOST of Thursday I will open up Albury TWR (AGAIN), for a descent amount of time! For all those pilots out there who are reading this, please consider the "Procedural Tower Guide for Pilots", located in the "Manuals and Guides" for pilots section on the VATPAC home page. There you will learn the theory on how to fly in a procedural airspace environment. ALSO, I will pull out the manual which I have printed off titled "Procedural Tower Manual", located in the ATC's Manuals and Guides section, and have a read up on the procedural airspace operations once again. I will also make a new thread displaying that I will have the Albury TWR open for those times mentioned above, as long as there isn't already a TWR controller there, so Pilots will be aware of this!


    So if I do this (and I am), I wonder whether that will entitle me to open up the odd GND freq when I believe the airport in discussion could warrent a GND freq???????


    OMG I also just realised something! Why is it that currently in Air Services Australia there is "UN-MANNED" CTR positions, BUT there are "MANNED" positions of DEL and GND at YSSY, YMML and the list goes on???? hmmm.

  9. As the GND controller at YSSY last night I thought I'd better add my little bit :-). When I first came online last night I noticed both SY APP and SY TWR were online so I decided to open up YMML TWR. I had ML TWR open for roughly 30mins and did not have one aircraft! Nor were there any aircraft coming into Melbourne within a 150nm range. YMMB twr was also open in the area.


    From flying online to having discussions with other pilots who also fly online the overall feeling that I tend to gather is that pilots want the most "realistic" experience they can get. As there was alot of traffic at YSSY at the time I checked, I decided to shutdown YMML TWR and open YSSY GND taking in both DEL and GND responsibilities before DEL came online. Having a DEL, GND, TWR, and APP online at one airport creates a near fully realistic experience to pilots flying into or out of Sydney. Seeing a fully manned airport makes me wanna jump on and fly straight away.


    I'm not going to say that I believe GND and DEL should of been at other airports last night. I believe we gave the pilots at YSSY last night a feel of what a fully manned airport is like. After all I dealt with 4 or 5 aircrafts heading overseas.


    And when it came time for me to "un-plug" the headset and log off, I had a quick glance at YMML and noticed that there still wasn't any traffic in its direct vicinity. And also during last week I had had Albury TWR open a few times and stayed online for quite a while only to deal with 2 planes. But I still kept it open. So I believe that if I want to open up a GND facility at YSSY and have the APP and TWR's aggreeance on it, I can't see why it has to be such a big deal! Afterall I do try and and spread my wings across a few airports in the VATPAC region.

  10. You are truly correct Robert! Throughout the last week I have opened up Albury Tower and over a period of roughly 5 to 6 hours I had TWO aircraft. And during this time there was alot of traffic travelling from Canberra to Sydney, and Canberra to Melbourne although Canberra didn't have any controllers.. hmm, wonder how we can entice them!

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